About Bulkk

Bulkk's innovative platform, businesses who need to get rid of FF&E, whether they are shutting down, moving, or don't need their equipment for any reason, can now list their items for other businesses to purchase. We market the platform and the products on it. All you have to do is list it.

Need to optimize capital? Sell it.
Need it quickly and affordably? Buy it.
Need a scalable side hustle? Become an Agent.

Why Bulkk?

Since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic in March 2020, our economy has taken a drastic turn. From thousands of businesses being forced to shut down, to labor shortages causing a global supply-chain nightmare, businesses are struggling to both get rid of and buy furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E).

As a result, businesses are left having to throw away perfectly functional equipment, causing our landfills to fill up even more rapidly, and leaving new businesses without the resources they need to function.

Our team is dedicated to helping your business either find buyers for FF&E or connect you with other businesses’ equipment. Let’s work together and help solve an urgent global supply chain issue, reduce waste, and ultimately increase sustainable business practices.

Bulkk combats waste.

According to the EPA, furniture waste generated by Americans in 2017 was a staggering 12.2 million tons, and 80.2% of it went to landfill. The agency also found that only 0.3% of furniture waste sent to landfills was recovered for recycling.


Businesses in need of liquidating FF&E

We understand how devastating it is to have to close the doors to a business you put so much time and dedication into, and not knowing what to do with your equipment does not make it any easier. With Bulkk, you are now able to connect with other businesses in need of your equipment so that you can get it off your back and make some extra money at the same time. Whether your business is moving locations or looking to get rid of equipment, Bulkk is the perfect platform for you to connect your goods with businesses in need. Bulkk is designed for the entrepreneur to connect bulk stock with businesses in need. Bulkk enables them to engage in a global side hustle that solves two problems: Keep unused office furniture out of landfills Get unused office furniture sold 


Bulkk for wholesalers and manufacturers selling FF&E to businesses

We recognize that wholesalers and manufacturers put in a great deal of time and effort to make quality products and distribute them. Bulkk allows you to showcase and feature your product line so that your products can reach the right businesses. Not only that, but you are also able to sell your equipment in large quantities in one sale as businesses will be purchasing them for their prospective workspaces. Don’t want any single item orders? Just set your minimum purchase quantity to however many you desire.


Businesses buying FF&E

Finding the right business equipment for your business can be quite the challenge, but why should that be the case? Select from a wide range of equipment either being sold by a business that no longer needs their equipment, or by a manufacturer or wholesaler themselves. If your business is on a tight budget, buying used equipment from another business is the best way to go for a great deal. We strongly encourage buying used equipment so that we can help our environment and keep perfectly good equipment out of landfills!

Our leadership team

Charles Orlando

Chief Executive Officer

Accomplished technology leader and serial entrepreneur with 25+ years of diversified B2B SaaS industry experience.

John Monarch

Chief Operating Officer

Over 22 years of technology experience with building highly successful E-commerce platforms at eBay Enterprise.

Irena Muhar

Head of Product & Design

Over a decade of working with businesses like Puma, Toggl, and NYU on thoughtfully crafted brand and product experiences.


Petar Ivačić

Head of Engineering

10+ years of experience building complex software solutions for companies like LearnUpon and Science Exchange.


Callie Strother

Head of Marketing

15 years of driving business growth and revenue for technology and SaaS organizations through a humanistic and practical approach.

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