Frequently asked questions

What exactly can I sell with Bulkk?

Business owners and wholesalers are able to list their new or used business equipment and furniture including desks, tables, chairs, shelving, cabinets, lighting, sofas, and so on. Additionally, restaurant owners can sell their refrigerators, ovens, grills, and other varieties of commercial-grade kitchen appliances. Any equipment that you think would be helpful for another business to have, list it!

I have wholesale furniture, can I list it on your website?

Yes! Bulkk is the perfect platform for wholesalers and retailers to advertise and sell their furniture. Selling with Bulkk allows wholesalers to get rid of large quantities of furniture while helping other businesses build their office spaces, restaurants, hotels, etc. You can customize your Bulkk store and have a link to your company’s page, which portrays all of the items you have listed and details about your business.

Is there a minimum amount I can sell and buy?

There is no minimum amount a user can sell or buy. If you just want to get rid of a few pieces of equipment or furniture, you are more than welcome to list them with us. However, bulk purchases will usually be more discounted than single-item purchases and therefore easier to sell to a business in need. Many companies looking to buy equipment for their business will want more for less, so list as much as you can!

How does shipping and delivery work?

Sellers have the freedom to decide how they would like to transport their items to the buyer. If the seller and buyer are located in the same city, they could arrange with each other the easiest and most convenient way of moving the equipment. Sellers should include in their item description what types of shipment or delivery they are willing to provide. Bulkk is not involved with the shipment or delivery of merchandise.

Why did you start Bulkk?

Businesses are unfortunately closing more frequently than ever and are struggling to sell their expensive equipment. We want to give these businesses the platform to be able to connect with others that are in need of discounted business equipment. Bulkk is also the perfect platform for wholesalers to sell their equipment to businesses in large quantities. Our mission is to solve an urgent supply chain issue, increase sustainability, and connect businesses, so let us help you out!

What is a Bulkk Agent?

Bulkk Agents are people on a mission to bring sellers of furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) to our platform. Being a Bulkk Agent comes with many benefits such as earning commission on sales, working 100% remotely, and choosing your own schedule. Together, we can solve an urgent supply chain issue, increase sustainability, and connect businesses.

Can I sell equipment that has signs of usage?

Absolutely! Many businesses don’t mind if your equipment is not in perfect condition since they may just be using it for a storage area. Also, some business owners appreciate a little character in their furniture depending on the vibe of their business – as long as it’s not significantly damaged in a way that makes it unusable. We strongly encourage that you are honest with the condition of the items and disclose all information regarding them.

How do I use Bulkk?

Selling or buying with Bulkk is simple.

For sellers:

1. Select ‘start selling’ on the https://bulkk.io home page

2. Create your free account and login.

3. On the vendor dashboard, select ‘add new product’

4. Fill in the promoted categories and any other information you would like to provide about your listing.

5. Select ‘create and add new’ to post your listing and start another, or select ‘create product’ if you are done listing items. After creating the product, you are able to add more details and edit.

Buyers: have fun shopping!

We would be more than happy to assist you through your buying or selling process. Just reach out to us and we’ll connect you with a personal Bulkk agent.

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